Robert F Bollendorf
"There are those around us who believe that one of the ways the spirits speak with us is
through dreams."
This charming look back at the life of Tall Moon begins when he, at the age of seventy-five, begins a diary in which he records memories from his life as a Lakota. Written from two perspectives, Tall Moon's and his dead mother's, the book follows his life from his mother's death until he is twenty-one. As Tall Moon grows, he encounters many...
Sober Spring tells the story of a family's struggle with the pain and uncertainties of alcoholism and also the hope and joy of recovery. The book tells the story of what can happen when the members of the family, sometimes even starting with the youngest members, are willing to confront the truth in spite of fear. Also included in the book are guidelines for how recovery can happen within the family with articles from Rob Castillo, Kimberly Groll,...