From the Book - Fourth edition.
Start building with C#: building something!
Dive in C#: statements, classes, and code ; Unity lab 1: explore C# unity
Objects...get oriented: making code make sense
Types and references: getting the reference ; Unity lab 2: write C# code for unity
Encapsulation: keep your privates...private
Inheritance: your object's family tree ; Unity lab 3: GameObject instances
Interfaces, casting, and "is": making classes keep their promises
Enums and collections: organizing your data ; Unity lab 4: user interfaces
LINQ and lambdas: get control of your data
Reading and writing files: save the last byte for me! ; Unity lab 5: raycasting
Captain amazing: the death of the object
Exception handling: putting out fires gets old ; Unity lab 6: scene navigation
Downloadable exercise: animal match boss battle
Visual studio for Mac learner's guide
Code Kata: a learning guide for advanced and impatient.